Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday -Draxton’s Destiny

Draxton’s Destiny releases next week! Wheee! This novel has been a wild ride from start to finish. Originally written in serial flash format using prompts, Draxton suffered far too many years of attempted revisions until I settled on a full rewrite. It didn’t come easy, but with only one week remaining until it’s out in the world, I can honestly say I’m absolutely thrilled with the end result. This week’s teaser is another deleted scene,…

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Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday -Draxton’s Destiny

Draxton’s Destiny is one week closer to release, and I’m terrified excited to see what everyone thinks of the wounded sergeant and his Minshaari. Last week, I presented an interlude from the Ravyn\’s point of view which was cut from the final novel as extraneous information. This week is no different. Read on for a deleted scene featuring my original space boys, Petri and Grokhaar.

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Flash Fiction: Dangerous Temptation

For April’s flash prompt, we were given the phrase “a compelling voice.” Now, those who know me probably know how hard it was not to go full-on phangirl and do a Phantom of the Opera fic. But Fieryl, my jag’haar security chief from the upcoming Draxton\’s Destiny, roared quite a bit louder. This is a snippet detailing how Ta’Naii Levegaer came to be on Fieryl’s tech team to remove Draxton’s slave bands. Enjoy!

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